Ben Kerido / From Israel with Love Blog
On December 24th, 2021 Jared Schmeck got on the phone with Joe and Jill Biden during a “Santa tracker” call. He trolled them by saying “Merry Christmas and Let’s Go Brandon.”
Biden replied, “Yeah, Let’s Go Brandon! I agree!”
His wife, Jill, cringed, and the feed was immediately cut due to supposed (and very convenient) “technical issues.”
Biden’s mental capacity and awareness of what is happening is SO low, that he is apparently not aware that “Let’s Go Brandon” is code for “F*** Joe Biden” and NOT something positive for him.
This is hardly the first example of severe cognitive decline, as this had been a serious concern even in mid 2020. A Rasmussen poll in June of 2020 indicated that up to 40% of Americans felt that Joe Biden had dementia or a similar cognitive disorder, and 61% felt that Biden should address the issue of his mental health publicly. (I can only imagine what those numbers would be now at the end of 2021)
But just a few days ago Biden said he expects to run in 2024, meaning that he plans to subject America to seven more years of visible cognitive decline and all of the disastrous consequences thereof.
In the interest of being fair and objective, I have a series of questions that I am genuinely, sincerely, and politely asking all of my friends, both left-leaning and right-leaning.
Q1: Are you concerned about Biden’s cognitive decline?
Q2: Is there any way to describe such disastrous gaffes as cheering “Let’s Go Brandon! I agree” and reading the “End of message” at the end of a teleprompter script as anything other than severe cognitive decline?
Q3: If the man running the White House and the country (in theory) is descending into dementia, etc., are you concerned about the direction of the nation, such as mitigating crises, developing an effective response to the Iranian nuclear weapons program and the Russian military massed at the Ukrainian border?
Q4: If Biden has this much cognitive decline, is Biden even actually running the show? (Harris and her handler were NOT happy when asked a similar question by TV / radio personality Charlemagne.)
Q5: And if Biden isn’t running the show due to cognitive decline or whatever else, then who is?
Q6: Isn’t it utterly terrifying from the perspective of American democracy that we presumably don’t know who is making decisions for the nation? In other words, the implication is that no matter who won the 2020 election, the true ruling power of America wasn’t even on the ballot at all, meaning that there is effectively no real democracy and certainly no transparency and accountability. Isn’t that a horrifying concern?
These questions are EXTREMELY important for our American nation, and we can’t just ignore them. I’m trying REALLY hard to be objective and fair here. But every time I ask a question like this among my left-leaning friends, for the most part all I get is crickets. And that doesn’t do much to help the left-leaning cause or instill confidence in Biden.
On the rare occasion that one of my left-leaning friends DOES answer one of these questions, I have noticed two common trends. First, the main issues are ignored, and they side-step to another issue that they feel that have some chance of answering. For instance, questions about Biden’s cognitive decline and what that means for American democracy somehow became a discussion about student debt in America, which was completely off-topic. The other method used is what I call the “lesser-of-two-evils draw.” No matter how badly Biden fails, no matter what crisis Biden induces, no matter how dementia-ridden he becomes in thought, speech, and action — somehow, almost magically, Trump and his allies were/are the same and maybe just a teeny tiny bit worse.
This bogus “Trump was the same or worse” reasoning and response is not just ridiculous, it’s dangerous. The fate of our American nation is at stake. We must face that reality, even if it is challenging. Some of us just might have to admit that we wrong in the past and that our political leaders (in many cases of both parties, but especially of the left-leaning persuasion) have failed us, and will continue to do so as long as we allow them to.
We must put our patriotic loyalty to our American nation and our dedication to the well-being of our families and communities above a destructive sense of ego that is more willing to go down with the ship than ever admit we were wrong.
As Shlomo HaMelekh (King Solomon) said in Mishlei (Proverbs) 16:18, “Pride precedes destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”